
Expect This List to Grow.

Friday, August 14th, 5-8, hit the Arc of Arts Anniversary Party. It's mostly BYO, but there'll be some fun included and even free gift cards. Friday also spells out free food and drinks for the artist reception at Austin Handmade. This dj party at Backspin sounds just too fun to me.

Saturday, August 15th, 7-10 will be Conjunctured's 1st Anniversary party, the details are slightly vague but you can RSVP here.

Sunday, August 16th, Belmont will host a Mad Men watching party with Statesman reporters on site, there are drink specials, no freebies, but it's a great excuse to come in costume. Or enjoy free pizza, beer, and cake at Top Drawer Thrift.

I'm liking how every Monday you can ride with ladies at Mellow Johnny's then knock back champagne and strawberries afterward at Royal Blue. More importantly though, Monday is a CHOCOLATE FREAKING SLUMBER PARTY at Cheer-Up Charlie's.

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